Alternator ya gari
Battery charging and the electrical system on the car need direct current, so the alternating-voltage generated by the generator must be rectified into DC voltage, in order to make the positive half wave and negative half wave of alternating voltage can be effectively used for power supply, full bridge rectifier can be used, the bridge rectifier circuit consists of 6 diodes, each branch is composed of 2 power diodes, one of which is connected to the positive side. Na nyingine inaunganisha kwa upande mbaya.
Masharti ya uzalishaji wa diode ya rectifier: A, kwa diode tatu chanya, mara moja, voltage ya juu zaidi ya awamu ya uzalishaji mzuri wa bomba. B, kwa diode tatu hasi, kwa wakati fulani, sehemu ya chini ya voltage imewashwa, lakini wakati huo huo tu zilizopo mbili, moja ya miti mizuri na hasi. Bahasha ya voltage chanya ya nusu-wimbi na hasi ya nusu-wimbi imewekwa wazi ili kutoa voltage ya kurekebisha na kushuka kwa thamani ndogo, na betri ya kuhifadhi sambamba katika ncha zote mbili za jenereta au capacitor ya mfumo wa umeme wa gari inaweza kuboresha zaidi pato la moja kwa moja la jenereta.